Gordon’s unique approach to site security design addresses site safety and security needs, while maintaining a sense of openness. By utilizing the principles of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), we are able to create desirable places for intended users and conversely, pose difficult conditions to deter would-be criminals. Creating this type of environment allows facility operators to often reduce the need for expensive physical equipment and security personnel requirements through effective and sustainable site design.  Our innovative approach of integrating CPTED with both exterior and interior physical security design has been successfully implemented on projects including, Level 5 DoD Campuses with stringent AT/FP requirements, major headquarters in both the private and public sectors, educational campuses, medical facilities, and parks/trail projects.

Gordon is one of the few in the industry that can offer the expertise of Certified CPTED Consultants. Our security consultants are Board Certified Protection Professionals (CPP) by the American Society of Industrial Security (ASIS) and professionally trained in facility access control by the Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command Transportation Engineering Agency (SDDCTEA). Additionally, Gordon security professionals are trained in the nationally recognized CARVER Target Analysis and Vulnerability Assessment model.